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We Become What We Behold Android and PC

"Download We Become What We Behold Android and PC a 5 minute game that looks at how social media magnifies small differences into gross monstrosities. "

We Become What We Behold [Fan-Made Port]

GENRE: Casual, Indie

DEVELOPER: Mismatch Studio, Nicky Case (Originally)

PUBLISHER: Mismatch Studio

RELEASE DATE: 10 Jul, 2019

How to Download We Become What We Behold


"game about news cycles, vicious cycles, infinite cycles"

We Become What We Behold is a 5 minute game that looks at how social media magnifies small differences into gross monstrosities. 

It is a non-partisan game about politics, examining the horror of the viral nature of divisiveness and tribalism.

The player captures “news,” controlling what the circles and squares see on a screen and having sway over how they think and act.

warning: the following program contains scenes of snobbery, rudeness & mass murder. Viewer discretion is advised.

This games was created and originally published by Nicky Case

(this is not an official port from him). You can find the original web version at this link:


Download We Become What We Behold

Download for Android

We Become What We Behold_v1.0.apk 7.2 MB | by Johnsen Magsino

Download for Desktop PC

We Become What We Behold Steam | Fan-Made Port
We Become What We Behold Android Apk Download

Akhir Kata

Game We became what we behold ini sebenarnya merupakan game yang sangat sederhana, kita hanya perlu memilih beberapa pilihan dari skenario yang ada, yang mana pada akhirnya hanya terdapat 1 pilihan akhir yang cukup mengenaskan.

Game ini sangat cocok dalam menggambarkan peran media di zaman serba digital ini, kita dituntut untuk bijak dalam memilih berita serta lebih kritis dalam menelaah berita yang tersebar.

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